On this date in 2021, I battled John in a game of Battleship.

In 2020, we experienced water damage and our insurance paid for the mold remediation team to come out and strip out our cabinets, which remain like this to this day.

In 2019, I visited Tulsa for the company Christmas party and came across this lovely Christmas tree display downtown.

In 2018, I was also in Tulsa for the company Christmas party and took a walk around downtown at night.

In 2017, I was working on some display project for Protect America, the aforementioned defunct home security company that I didn’t really enjoy working for.

In 2016, the family went along with my 1981 photo shoot idea for our Christmas cards.

On December 4, 2015, we attended the Callaway Christmas party. Lauren chatted with a very pregnant Allison while Seth and Shenea looked on.

In 2014, baby Johnny just did some chillin’.

On this date in 2013, Baxter was spotted at the bottom of the staircase at night.

In 2012, we set up our Christmas tree—a real one, that year.

In 2011, we took in a holiday party at co-worker Eddie’s house.

Finally, in 2010, was the scene off the balcony of our Minneapolis apartment on a snowy afternoon.


I normally don’t go beyond Google Photos, but I had a few extra minutes this morning so I tried digging a little further back in the archives on Dropbox, which is a chore because the photos aren’t time-stamped. But here are two confirmed December 4 pictures from the college years.

On this date in 2005, Nick admired a cat.

In 2004, we welcomed Terry LaPlant to DSU for the weekend up from Nebraska and played a little poker at the house. Quite a crew here with Terry, Chris Ahrendt, Matt Hanson, Kayla who had driven over from Minneapolis, and Nick who was wearing a cowboy hat.

Clearly, December 4 is one of the great days ever for corporate Christmas parties. It’s a damn shame Christmas parties went away for a few years during the pandemic and, at least for me, have yet to return. I would go so far as to say a company’s Christmas party reputation is one of the most important factors in me deciding on taking jobs.