Edie’s Message to the Internet

Please can we go somewhere for my birthday called The Assistant Dinosaur Park where me and Dani went. Can you please do something for my birthday that has a lot of balloons? Can you please do something for my birthday that is not going to a dinosaur park that is the one that I asked for and I want to do the one that I wanna go somewhere that has the dinosaur things, the dinosaur question marks. I want to draw a note to my best friend Aiden, to my best friend Brexton, and I wanna do it to my best friend Ruby and I wanna do it for my best friend Ellie. I want all of my friends to come to my birthday party. Yes Dani Plump too. And Jamie. Yes!

With Edie’s 4th birthday coming up on the 13th, I asked her a few burning questions.

What is your favorite thing to do?

Watch things. I like to watch silly billy goat for Hillie. Actually, that’s not a thing. I like to watch Spidey and Clippy.

What is your favorite food?

Peaches! Haha!

What job do you want to have when you’re a grown up?

Keeping babies from not eating sour things.

What is your favorite sports team?

The Chargers and the Dolphins!

What do you want for your birthday most of all?

Ice cream cake with chocolate and strawberry on it! I want strawberry whipped cream and some chocolate ice cream.

What about for a present?

I want it to be a riding car! A police riding car that doesn’t have a controller.

Who do you think is the nicest person?


Where do you want to live when you grow up?

Minnesota because I want to be by cousin Julia!

Who is the sillest person you know?

Jamie. She dabs Owen. That means jelly pants.

What is your favorite animal?

Lion and tiger.

What would you name a pet lion?

Henry N. Jackson.